29 replies on “Play and Win an Original Drawing!”

    1. There is none!!! But…

      ‘what should I be working on now?’

      “Music” is the answer! 🙂

      Cu, soon. This would be my winning!


      take care you all!

  1. I found him!!! And i want my gift LOL
    The guy behind the tree without a mask, correct?

    1. He is the one standing behind the tree on the left. Next to him is the click person.
      He is not wearing a mask.

  2. On the left of the drawing, a guy hiding behind a tree with no mask covering his face.

  3. Even without reading all the other comments, I eventually found the naughty maskless person in blue behind the tree! Very cool picture! Like a remix of the view from your flat! Even has the dolphin sculpture! Yeah!

  4. The man in blue without a mask behind the tree, a person next to him is taking his picture.

  5. My god, we’re so dumb! We did search for ourselves without reading the comments … it could have been a lot easier – but so much less fun! Looking forward to the next challenge! Gttg* Julia + Albrecht
    * Greetings to the girls

  6. the man behind the tree on the far left, not wearing a mask, wearing blue with two long hairs on his head 😛

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