Category Archives: PICTURES

What Happened in 2021?
ForewordDear reader,let me reassure you from the beginning: this is not a post about what happened in the world in the past year. It is ...

Saving a Date
Today, on my fourth "official" day out of my Covid-19-Omicron-infection-quarantine, I found the following note in my Corona Diaries notebook. I remember writing this sentence ...

Happy New Year from the Corona Family
No human beings were harmed in the making of these pictures. 29/12/21"Where to start from?" is the chronicler's eternal first question. Sometimes, the best is ...

The Corona Diaries Digest (A Year and a Half Later)
Today I received some copies of the latest issue of Sound American (check it if you don't know it; it is an essential publication). I ...

Riding the Fifth Wave (II)
Two days later, my brother Walid called me to see if the plan of reuniting all the family for Christmas in Berlin was still on.– ...

Riding the Fifth Wave (I)
During the light setup for the portrait, a few minutes prior to Raed's phone call – Photo by Tony Elieh It all started exactly twelve ...

My Father Is Not Adolf Hitler
It’s been a while since my last post. Too much things are happening. Life is back to almost normal. No, wait, there is the new ...

Lebanon is a Death Notice (Corona’s Birthday – Part IV)
In the past year the ever-worsening situation in Lebanon had (and is still having) a huge effect on me. I tried several times to address ...

Corona to Go (Corona’s Birthday part III)
I spoke in the first birthday post about my fear of a paper shortage in the first weeks of the lockdown; this made me more ...

Stage Fright (Corona’s Birthday – Part II)
As i said in my previous post, one of the reasons I drastically slowed down these diaries was the return to normal we experienced in ...

Corona’s Birthday
In a few days, on Saturday 13 March exactly, I will celebrate the first year of the creation of these diaries. One full year of ...

The “A” Trio: Past, Present and Future
Yesterday night (Feb. 6) we played the first "A" Trio gig in a year, almost day for day; our last concert was on February 8 ...

One More for Ghédalia Tazartès
My wife was next to me when I was drawing Ghédalia Tazartès' portrait yesterday night, and she pointed out that what I wrote in the ...

Back Home!
I've been back home since Monday morning and I am enjoying every minute of it.I did the "drawing" above the day I arrived. I did ...

After the Dress Rehearsal
Wall sign in the RMC music school, Copenhagen Tuesday 23 June 2020I do not know where to start from.It's been more than two weeks that ...

I’ve Been Thinking of You Every Day
Each occasion to play music with Ute Wassermann, in private or in concerts, in duo or in one of our various other projects, has been ...