Tag Archives: coronadiaries

What Happened in 2021?
ForewordDear reader,let me reassure you from the beginning: this is not a post about what happened in the world in the past year. It is ...

Saving a Date
Today, on my fourth "official" day out of my Covid-19-Omicron-infection-quarantine, I found the following note in my Corona Diaries notebook. I remember writing this sentence ...

Happy New Year from the Corona Family
No human beings were harmed in the making of these pictures. 29/12/21"Where to start from?" is the chronicler's eternal first question. Sometimes, the best is ...

The Corona Diaries Digest (A Year and a Half Later)
Today I received some copies of the latest issue of Sound American (check it if you don't know it; it is an essential publication). I ...

Riding the Fifth Wave (II)
Two days later, my brother Walid called me to see if the plan of reuniting all the family for Christmas in Berlin was still on.– ...

Riding the Fifth Wave (I)
During the light setup for the portrait, a few minutes prior to Raed's phone call – Photo by Tony Elieh It all started exactly twelve ...